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Early Bird Registration
16 Feb, 2024
Onspot Registration
17 Jun, 2024

Accompanying Person

  • 200

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3% processing charges will apply for PayPal

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 Accept Our Terms & Conditions


#NanoSeries2024 Registration Information


***Please note: If you wish to register for the conference through bank transfer of the registration fee, please send an email to to request the invoice. Kindly provide your billing address and the VAT ID of your organization. Registering via card or PayPal is optional and entirely based on your preference and your organization's rules and regulations.***

Registration Includes:

  1. Comprehensive conference e-book, delegate kits, and printed program materials.
  2. Official participation certificate recognizing attendance.
  3. Daily coffee and lunch breaks for all three days of the conference.
  4. Exclusive cocktail networking event and dinner on Day 1.
  5. Access to the extensive NanoSeries2024 E-library and archived recordings of past virtual presentations.
  6. Full access to all technical sessions and networking opportunities throughout the NanoSeries2024 conference.

Cancellation Policy:

  • Refund requests must be submitted via email to the conference manager within the specified timeframes.
  • Attendees have the option to transfer their conference fee to the next edition to mitigate cancellation charges.
  • Full refunds are available for cancellation requests made up to 99 days prior to the conference date.
  • Cancellation requests made before 50 days prior to the conference will receive a 50% refund of the registration fee and 100% of the accommodation fee, subject to a processing fee of EURO 100.
  • Cancellation requests after May 15, 2024, will not be accepted, but a 50% transfer of the registration fee to the next edition is possible.

Terms and Conditions:

  • The organizer is not liable for conference cancellations due to natural calamities or unforeseen circumstances like attacks. Rescheduled dates will be determined by the committee.
  • The organizer reserves the right to make last-minute modifications or adjustments to the conference schedule or program without prior notification to ensure the smooth conduct of the event.
  • Delegates are advised to take care of their personal belongings, as the organizer is not liable for any physical loss or damage incurred during the conference.

For further assistance or inquiries regarding registration and cancellation procedures, please feel free to reach out to the conference manager or