#NanoSeries2025-Annual Conference-Spain

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About #NanoSeries2025

We invite you to join the 4th Annual #NanoSeries2025 Conference at the University of Valencia, Spain, a premier event in academic and research excellence within nanotechnology.

This conference unites leading researchers, scientists, and academics from around the world to explore cutting-edge advancements and address critical challenges in the field. As a participant, you’ll have the opportunity to deepen your expertise, engage with pioneering research, and collaborate with peers who are driving innovation in nanoscience and nanotechnology.

For the past four years, #NanoSeries has been dedicated to fostering knowledge exchange, shaping future directions, and inspiring breakthroughs.

Join us to advance research, forge meaningful connections, and contribute to impactful discoveries in nanotechnology.

Sessions and Topics of Discussion

#NanoSeries2025 offers a dynamic and inclusive platform that reflects the diverse and interdisciplinary nature of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. While we have outlined below key topics for discussion, we understand that the field is constantly evolving with new research frontiers emerging every day. We encourage participants to go beyond the predefined themes and contribute unique perspectives, fostering a rich exchange of ideas that can drive the field forward.

  • Synthesis and Advanced Characterization of Nanomaterials & Nanostructures
  • Nanomaterials for Energy Applications: from Batteries to Solar cells
  • Hierarchical Assembly of Functional Nanomaterials
  • Nano-bioengineering for the Medicine: Therapeutics, Diagnostics, and Regeneration
  • Nanorobotics and Soft Robotics with On-board Sensing: Transforming Healthcare and Industry
  • Bionanosensors and Bioelectronics: In Vitro and Vivo Applications
  • Next-Generation Light-Matter Interactions at the nanoscale: photonics and optoelectronics
  • s2D Materials Research: Graphene and Beyond
  • Artificial Intelligence Tools in Nanomaterials & Nanotechnology

Submit your abstracts and proposals, and join us in advancing the future of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology through collaboration and shared vision.

Publication Partner

Wiley’s Small Structures

Selected articles from Nanoseries 2025 Valencia’s Edition to be published in the Wiley journal Small Structures

#NanoSeries2025 Plenary Speakers

Young Hee Lee_NanoSeries2025

Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), South Korea

Delia J. Milliron_NanoSeries2025

The University of Texas at Austin, USA

Hong-jun Gao_NanoSeries2025

 Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Serguei Molodtsov_NanoSeries2025

European XFEL, Germany

oliver g. schmidt_NanoSeries2025

Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany

Iván Mora-Seró_NanoSeries2025

Universitat Jaume I, Spain

Yu Huan_NanoSeries2025

South China University of Technology, China

Kisuk Kang_NanoSeries2025

Seoul National University, South Korea

Lorenzo Masia_NanoSeies2025

Technical University of Munich, Germany


University of Chicago, USA

Yu Huan_NanoSeries2025

South China University of Technology, China

Kisuk Kang_NanoSeries2025

Seoul National University, South Korea

#NanoSeries2025 Keynote Speakers

Samuel Sánchez Ordóñez_NanoSeries2025

Samuel Sánchez Ordóñez

Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, Spain

Francesca Toma_NanoSeries2025

Francesca Toma

Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Germany

Jacek Ryl_NanoSeries2025

Jacek Ryl

Gdansk University of Technology, Poland

Artem MishchenkoNanoSeries2025

Artem Mishchenko

University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Peter Dowben_NanoSeries2025

Peter A. Dowben

University of Nebraska, USA

#NanoSeries2025 Honorable Conference Chairs

Prof. Maria C. Asensio_NanoSeries2025

María Carmen Asensio

Materials Science Institute of
Madrid (ICMM) at CSIC
Madrid, Spain


Juan P. Martinez Pastor

Institute of Materials Science of
the University of Valencia (ICMUV)
Valencia, Spain

Why attend #NanoSeries2025

Why Partner with #NanoSeries2025

What can you do at #NanoSeries2025

Empower Change as a Thought Leader

Immerse Yourself in Cutting-Edge Symposia. Delve into Exclusively Tailored Forums for Forward-Thinking Nanotechnology Enthusiasts.

Empower Change as a Thought Leader

Access Trending Content

Explore nine dynamic nanotech tracks, including Sustainability, Clean Energy, Nanomedicine, Therapeutics, and AI tools, for the latest and most relevant content.

Access Trending Content

Upgrade your Learnings

Upgrade your Learnings Participate in Hands-On Learning with Practical Takeaways.

Upgrade your Learnings

Capture New Insights

Attend Over 100 Illuminating Talks, Unveiling Innovative Technologies and Paradigm-Shift Innovations.

Capture New Insights

Forge Lasting Connections

Establish Valuable Relationships with Industry Visionaries, Global Thought Leaders, and Esteemed Experts.

Forge Lasting Connections

Gain Global Exposure

Share Your Ongoing Research Work and Drive Global Exposure

Gain Global Exposure

#NanoSeries2025 Agenda Snapshot

8:00 am - 8:50 am

Registration Desk Opens

Registration and Name Badge Collection

9:00 am - 9:15 am Main Conference Room

NanoSeries Opening Ceremony

Country Welcome and Opening Remarks by Conference Chairs
Prof. Maria C. Asensio, ICMM-CSIC, ICMUV, University of Valencia, Spain
Prof.Juan P. Martínez-Pastor, ICMUV, University of Valencia, Spain

9:15 am - 10:35 am Main Conference Room

NanoSeries Opening Plenary Session

Opening Plenary Talk 1 and Plenary Talk 2

10:40 am - 11:20 am Job Fair Area

Refreshment Break

Networking Coffee Break

11:25 am - 12:45 pm Main Conference Room

NanoSeries Opening Plenary Session

Plenary Talk 3 and Plenary Talk 4

12:50 pm - 2:25 pm Job Fair Area

Refreshment Break

Networking and Lunch Break

2:25 pm - 3:45 pm Parallel Rooms

NanoSeries Scientific Sessions

1. NS(A): Synthesis and Advanced Characterization of Nanomaterials & Nanostructures
2. NS(B): Next-Generation Light-Matter Interactions at the nanoscale: photonics and Optoelectronics
3. NS(C): Nanomaterials for Energy Applications: from Batteries to Solar cells
4. NS(D): Nano-bioengineering for Medicine: Therapeutics, Diagnostics, and Regeneration

3:50 pm - 4:30 pm Job Fair Area

Refreshment Break

Networking Coffee Break

4:35 pm - 6:00 pm Parallel Rooms

NanoSeries Scientific Sessions

1. NS(A): Synthesis and Advanced Characterization of Nanomaterials & Nanostructures
2. NS(B): Next-Generation Light-Matter Interactions at the nanoscale: photonics and Optoelectronics
3. NS(C): Nanomaterials for Energy Applications: from Batteries to Solar cells
4. NS(D): Nano-bioengineering for Medicine: Therapeutics, Diagnostics, and Regeneration

6:30 pm - 8:30 pm To Be Announced

Social Program and Welcome Dinner

Gala Dinner and Networking

9:15 am - 10:35 am Main Conference Room

NanoSeries Plenary Session

Plenary Talk 5 and Plenary Talk 6

10:40 am - 11:20 am Job Fair Area

Refreshment Break

Networking Coffee Break

11:25 am - 12:05 pm Main Conference Room

NanoSeries Plenary Session

Plenary Talk 7

12:10 pm - 1:10 pm Poster Area

Poster Session- 1

Note: Poster presenters are requested to stand at the designated poster board with the serial number provided by the organizers.

1:10 pm - 2:10 pm Job Fair Area

Refreshment Break

Networking Lunch Break

2:15 pm - 5:00 pm Parallel Rooms

NanoSeries Scientific Sessions

1. NS(D1): Bionanosensors and Bioelectronics: in Vitro and Vivo Applications
2. NS(E): Hierarchical Assembly of Functional Nanomaterials
3. NS(F): s2D Materials Research: Graphene and Beyond
4. NS(G): Artificial Intelligence Tools in Nanomaterials & Nanotechnology

3:45 pm - 4:25 pm Job Fair Area

Refreshment Break

Networking Coffee Break

9:15 am - 10:35 am Main Conference Room

NanoSeries Plenary Session

Plenary Talk 8 and Plenary Talk 9

10:40 am - 11:20 am Job Fair Area

Refreshment Break

Networking Coffee Break

11:25 am - 1:15 pm Parallel Rooms

NanoSeries Scientific Sessions

1. NS(A): Synthesis and Advanced Characterization of Nanomaterials & Nanostructures
2. NS(B): Next-Generation Light-Matter Interactions at the nanoscale: photonics and Optoelectronics
3. NS(C): Nanomaterials for Energy Applications: from Batteries to Solar cells
4. NS(D): Nano-bioengineering for Medicine: Therapeutics, Diagnostics, and Regeneration

1:20 pm - 2:20 pm Job Fair Area

Refereshment Break

Networking Lunch Break

2:20 pm - 3:20 pm Poster Area

Poster Session- 2

Note: Poster presenters are requested to stand at the designated poster board with the serial number provided by the organizers.

3:20 pm - 4:00 pm Poster Area

Refreshment Break

4:05 pm - 6:00 pm Parallel Rooms

NanoSeries Scientific Sessions

1. NS(A): Synthesis and Advanced Characterization of Nanomaterials & Nanostructures
2. NS(B): Next-Generation Light-Matter Interactions at the nanoscale: photonics and Optoelectronics
3. NS(C): Nanomaterials for Energy Applications: from Batteries to Solar cells
4. NS(D): Nano-bioengineering for Medicine: Therapeutics, Diagnostics, and Regeneration

6:10 pm - 8:00 pm TBC

Social Program and Networking

To be announced soon

9:15 am - 1:10 pm Parallel Rooms

NanoSeries Scientific Sessions

1. NS (A): Synthesis and Advanced Characterization of Nanomaterials & Nanostructures
2. NS(C): Nanomaterials for Energy Applications: from Batteries to Solar cells
3. NS (D2): Nanorobotics and Soft Robotics with On-board Sensing: Transforming Healthcare and Industry
4. NS(F): s2D Materials Research: Graphene and Beyond

11:05 am - 11:45 am Job Fair Area

Refreshment Break

Networking Coffee Break

1:15 pm - 2:20 pm Job Fair Area

Refreshment Break

Networking Lunch Break

2:25 pm - 4:00 pm Parallel Rooms

NanoSeries Scientific Sessions

1. NS(B): Next-Generation Light-Matter Interactions at the nanoscale: photonics and optoelectronics
2. NS(C): Nanomaterials for Energy Applications: from Batteries to Solar cells
3. NS (D2): Nanorobotics and Soft Robotics with On-board Sensing: Transforming Healthcare and Industry
4. NS(G): Artificial Intelligence Tools in Nanomaterials & Nanotechnology

4:00 pm - 4:30 pm Main Conference Room

Closing and Awards Ceremony

Announcement of the NanoSeries Award Winners and Closing Remarks by Conference Chairs

4:30 pm - 5:10 pm

Refreshment Break

Farewell Coffee and Networking Session

Past Statistics of NanoSeries Conferences

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Global Speakers
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Successful Editions

A Rich Legacy of World Class Speakers

NanoSeries Previous Conferences Report

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The NanoSeries2022 conference, held virtually from June 21 to 24, marked the first gathering of this flagship event, bringing together over 2000 participants from 36 countries.

#NanoSeries2024 Feedback from our Speakers and Attendees

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