#NanoSeries2025-Annual Conference-Spain

Presentation Guidelines for #NanoSeries2025

Presentation Guidelines for #NanoSeries2025

  • Plenary Talks: Presenting authors will have 40 minutes to deliver their talk, followed by a 5-minute Q&A.
  • Keynote Talks: Presenting authors will have 25 minutes to present, followed by a 5-minute Q&A
  • Invited Talks: Presenting authors will have 20 minutes to present their results, followed by a 3-minute Q&A.
  • Oral Presentations: Presenting authors will have 15 minutes to present their results, followed by a 2-minute Q&A.
  • Emerging Researcher Presentation: Presenting authors will have 15 minutes to present their results, followed by a 2-minute Q&A.
  • Time Limits: Presenting authors must strictly adhere to the designated time limits.
  • Presentation Storage: Speakers should bring their presentations saved on a USB memory stick. It is also recommended to email a copy of the presentation to the organizers as a backup.
  • File Format: Presentations should be prepared in PPT format. PDF format is not recommended.
  • AV Equipment: Basic AV setup will be provided, including a laser pointer, cordless mic, desktop mic, and sound system.
  • Embedded Media: If your presentation includes embedded movies, ensure they are properly formatted and linked to the main file. You may check your slides during the breaks.
  • Adapters for Mac Users: Projectors will have standard HDMI connection ports. Mac users should bring their own adapter cords.
  • Agenda Confirmation: Re-check the final agenda after receiving a notification from the organizers prior to the conference to confirm if any changes have been made to your session.
  • Q&A Protocol: During Q&A sessions, conference volunteers will manage the microphone. Audience members may raise their hands to receive the mic.

**Important Note**

Discussion Hours:

Discussion Hours: At the end of each session, a 30-minute discussion hour will be led by the symposium chair. This time will allow the audience to interact with the presenters and engage in deeper discussions. All presenters are required to stay until the end of the session to foster proactive engagement and make the symposium more meaningful for all participants.

Instructions for Poster Presentation

  • Maximum Poster Size: Posters should not exceed A0 size: 84.1 cm x 118.9 cm (33.1 inches x 46.8 inches).
  • Supplies: Push pins for attaching posters to the boards will be provided.
  • Poster Session Timing: Poster sessions will take place for two days, immediately following the lunch break on each day of the conference.
  • Presenter Availability: Presenters must be present during the entire poster session on both days without fail. Your availability is crucial for interactions with attendees and the jury.
  • Evaluation by Jury: Presenters are required to remain at the conference until the jury completes the evaluation process.
  • Poster Board Assignment: Poster presenters will be directed to their designated board at the start of the poster session.
  • Poster Layout: The paper title and all author names should be displayed prominently at the top of the poster. While there is no strict format, posters generally include sections for Introduction, Experimental Results, Conclusions, and References.
  • Accessibility: Use readable fonts and avoid using red-green color combinations to assist those with red-green color blindness.
  • Poster Removal: Posters must be removed after the Day 2 poster session. The conference organizers assume no responsibility for posters left behind.

We look forward to your presentations and participation at #NanoSeries2025!